Mental and Emotional Healing

HEALTH & WELLNESSSeptember 13, 2004


Consider our awareness of where we are mentally and emotionally. Many physical symptoms and diseases have mental and emotional components. How a wellness program works, or does not work, may be affected by our mental and emotional state. Our beliefs and viewpoints about life general, our level of health, our ability to heal, our goals and reasons to regain our health, can all have major effects on our healing out come.

Disease can be viewed as a sign, or lesson. that something needs to change. What we have been doing and how we have been operating physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually has not supported our health. One more organs, systems or glands is out of balance (overactive or underactive). Our lifestyle needs review. Are we invested in our lifestyle to the point we resist change? What is our mental and emotional attitude?

We recommend making a list of your positive and negative mental and emotional states and referring to this list daily or weekly. Below is an Example.



Living in the past/future







Living in the present





By using a tool such as this we can periodically become aware of where we are mentally and emotionally. One of the keys to this exercise is to become the watcher; no judgement; just take a look. Feel your body; are you tense or relaxed. Then let yourself go to a more relaxed state.

It is awareness that needs to increase so we can see ourselves more clearly, Everyone wants to be more relaxed, given the choice. It is our awareness and the ability to step back, that has been, missing. Going from being tense to viewing our tension, is a change of view-point.

On the physical level of disease, most times, we can support our healing by establishing peaceful and care filled mental and emotional states. You could choose a partner to share in doing this exercise. Pick your own categories and expand or change the suggested list. Done alone while standing in line or driving gives you time for an attitude review. Enjoy the changes! MPM

David Blodgett, N.D.
Skyforest Healing Center



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